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Give What You Can

If you have a little extra to share we gladly accept donations of the items below.

Please take a look at what we can and cannot accept, and

thank you or your generosity!

Take What You Need

If you need a little extra support, we are happy to provide the following items whenever available -- no questions asked!

Please schedule an appointment to come by.

support shop diapers, wipes, baby formula


  • Visiting the HUM Support Shop is by appointment only. This helps us best serve moms with a positive experience.

  • We are unable to accept Support Shop requests via Facebook or Instagram.

  • Complete the short online form linked above, and someone will contact you within 3-5 business days.

  • If you are a provider or other organization contacting HUM on behalf of a client, please complete the form above. 

  • Due to demand, we are prioritizing moms in our educational program Moms Under Pressure.

  • If you have a donation for the Support Shop, please email to schedule a drop off.

baby items we accept list
baby items we do not accept list
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Support Shop Manager

Emma Chamberland - contact

Emma is a Southwest Virginia native, from Salem, Virginia. She graduated from Roanoke College with her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology. During her senior year in college she interned with Huddle Up Moms and loved the work and mission so much she decided to join the team as the Support Shop Manager.

Emma also loves to support moms though her work as a postpartum doula. 

In her personal life she enjoys spending time with her fiancé Adam, going on walks, thrifting, reading and spending time with family. 

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